Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Let's Get this "Straight"

I get a kick out of the anti-gay conservatives who use quotes around the word marriage when qualifying it with the word homosexual. It's their way of demeaning the loving, committed relationships between two people of the same gender. So I guess I should just refer to them as "compassionate" "christian" "conservatives" (with their heads up their asses). Take a look at this article from the "conservative", "christian" online "news" source, "agape" "press".

...The head of the Family Research Council says Americans must keep a close eye on the impact that Canada's decision to legalize homosexual "marriage" could have in the United States. Perkins believes homosexual activists seeking to eradicate the institution of marriage realized they could accomplish more in Canada than they could in the U.S. He says, "In some cases it appears that homosexual interest groups in this country have taken this agenda to the North of us because they felt the ground was more sympathetic, and are pushing for these measures through both the courts and Parliament only to come back to this country to make reference to them in trying to shape public policy in this country." The pro-family leader says these efforts are about "this elusive desire from homosexuals to get a seal of approval on something that I don't think they could ever be satisfied with; but in the process they will destroy the institution of marriage." Perkins is warning pro-family Americans they can expect the pro-homosexual movement to try using Canada's approval of same-sex marriage to influence the marriage debate in the U.S. [Bill Fancher]

Oh and...why do the "conservative" "christians" think that the act of two people getting married will "eradicate the institution of marriage". Take a trip to a Southern Baptist Summer Youth camp where you're likely to see hordes of pregnant teenagers. No, mayber they're just fat and gluttonous. Anway, both abominable acts.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The History of Marriage

Stephanie Coontz’s editorial in the New York Times today is timely given the recent vote at the United Church of Christ General Synod.

The conservative religious right (more appropriately named the religious wrong) would have us believe that the current structure of heterosexual marriage has been in place for thousands of years. As Coontz points out they couldn’t be further from the truth. Marriage has evolved over time. (Ooops! Maybe I shouldn’t use the word “evolved”. James Dobson and Co. may deny the existence of the word.) Marriage has evolved to change with the times. A roll back to bygone years would simply be unfeasible. Do women really want to don their aprons again to be the bread baker and not the breadwinner? Should it again be permissible for a man to divorce his wife if she turns out to be barren? Should women submit to their husband’s every sexual advance (from the twin bed beside her)? Come on! Is this the type of society we want to live in again? Of course not.

Dobson, Falwell et al would have us believe that the image of the 1950s is the way marriage always was and should be. They are spreading lies that hurt and not heal.

Monday, July 04, 2005

An Incredible Day!

God is Still Speaking!

Today was a day for tears of joy and tears of sadness. Some are renewed in their spirit. Some are confused and discouraged by their church.

But above all today is a day of great change in the United Church of Christ and quite possibly the stepping stone for change in our country. Among many other resolutions the one on same-sex marriage passed overwhelmingly.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Are We Listening?

If the pending UCC vote wasn’t exciting enough news, the following story came off of It seems the United Kingdom Methodist Church has voted to allow their churches to PERFORM ceremonies for gay couples. Keep your eyes and ears open because good things are happening!

UK Methodists To Perform Gay Union Blessings
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: June 30, 2005 8:00 pm ET

(Washington) The Methodist Church has become the first major denomination in the UK to endorse same-sex unions. Leaders of the church in an historic vote agreed to allow ministers to perform blessing ceremonies for gay couples.

Britain's civil unions registry begins in December.

Speakers at the Church's annual meeting almost unanimously voiced their approval of the plan. Only one speaker cited Biblical passages condemning homosexuality.

The delegates to the meeting voted to authorize the Faith and Order Committee to develop a liturgy and advise ministers on how to conduct the ceremony.

The chair of the Committee, Rev Jonathan Kerry, said that the service would be available in the fall - in plenty of time for the first civil unions.

But, Kerry said that the service will not approximate a wedding ceremony, even though he conceded that many people would see it that way.

There are 300,000 Methodists in Britain, making it the country's third largest denomination.

The decision to bless gay unions is in stark contrast to the Anglican Church which is deeply divided over the role of gays.

The largest Methodist denomination in the United States - the United Methodist Church - opposes same-sex unions and forbids non celibate gay clergy.

Meanwhile, the United Church of Christ will vote on a same-sex unions motion this weekend.
Earlier this week the denomination's leader announced his support for gay unions.
The 1.3 million-member United Church of Christ has a history of supporting gays in its denomination, dating to 1972, when it ordained the first openly gay minister and established a gay caucus.

© 2005

The Time is Now

The United Church of Christ is now positioned to make a worldwide statement. They have everyone’s attention right here in Atlanta. They have the potential to set ripples through our society, to set our country on the path to full acceptance of same-gendered relationships. There are many signs that the time is now to accept this resolution.

The AJC published an interview with the Rev. Robert Chase, executive director of communications for the United Church of Christ. When asked about the TV ad campaign he had this to say:

The campaign has been tremendously successful for our church. Worship attendance is up, and giving is up. And it's been effective in the pride of membership. Since December, people have been saying "You're the church with the commercial" or "You're the church of extravagant welcome." People are aware of us now, and profile with society at large has been significantly increased.

How incredible is that? The UCC “goes out on a limb”, They opened their hearts, their minds and their doors (hmmmm….sounds like the ad campaign from UMC). Instead of people turning away, people have flocked to the church. The UCC is growing not by telling people they aren’t welcome but by showing them that they can be a whole person in God. Wow! What a concept! A church that actually accepts all of God’s creation.

I remember the controversy surrounding the commercial when it first aired. Probably the only reason I remember it was because some TV stations refused to air it. Their refusal was the best advertisement for the church. My partner, Jeffrey and I watched the ad on the web. I felt chill bumps. I couldn’t believe that a church was actually making such a bold and radical statement. (hmmmm….weren’t Jesus’ teachings radical for his time?)

I hope they vote for to accept resolution. People have responded to the ad campaign. The energy and excitement is present. The United Church of Christ must pass this resolution. The time is now.