Friday, September 09, 2005

No Enemy

One thing Bush had going for him after 9/11 was the fact that there was a foreign "enemy" to go shoot and blame for the tragedy. This time there isn't anyone to go fight or blame. Well, maybe he could blame God. But then that would surely turn off his base -- the religious extremists. Can't do that.

And even more unfortunate for him is the people to blame for the poor response time are his own appointees. The sign of a good leader is in the strength of the people he hires. Will the president EVER take responsibility? Will the buck EVER stop at his desk? Doubtful.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Add Another Fumble to FEMA's List

It seems FEMA can't get much right these days. Add United States Geography classes to their ever growing list of training. Yesterday, they sent a plane full of NOLA evacuees to Charleston, except they got the wrong state.

A South Carolina health official said his colleagues scrambled Tuesday when FEMA gave only a half-hour notice to prepare for the arrival of a plane carrying as many as 180 evacuees to Charleston.

But the plane, instead, landed in Charleston, West Virginia, 400 miles away.

CNN has the full story here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one sign of GOOD leadership the ability to hire/appoint qualified and effective individuals?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Way to Go CA

Now for some good news. The California Assembly passed the Same-sex marriage bill. Gov. S., please do what's right.

Read about it at

Mommy and Daddy Bush: Go Home!

Mommy Bush has a way with words. She takes the knife, twists and pushes it in further while adding a little salt to the mix. Appearing with her perfectly set hair, clean name-brand clothes, she spoke with the ignorance of the priviledged.

E&P reported her words of ignorance. Just look at this: "And so many of the people in the arena here, you
know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she
chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."


"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas." hmmmm....why is this so scary? Maybe she's just a racist. She finds it scary that the population of Texas might frow by 250,000 BLACK people. Oh, terror.

Nice, Barb. Shrub, send your Mommy and Daddy home. They're ruining you even more.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Shame on the Talking Heads

I knew I shouldn’t have looked at Boob O-Reilly while eating a delicious Mexican dinner. I quickly lost my appetite. He claimed that “all” the people stranded in NOLA were there because they made a “bad decision”.

Shame on this asshole. Shame on all the talking Airbags that use this line. I’m tired of hearing these bozos claim that all the people stranded made a bad decision. Of course they’re saying this from the comfort of there dry, comfortable high rise somewhere. And then, just to make themselves sound somewhat human and empathetic they make a pitch for American Red Cross or some other aid organization. Bah! There cold hearted bastards.

People stayed behind for all kind of reasons. Some were too old to leave. Some were too sick. Some were too poor. Some were children. Some just couldn’t get out in time. Take 105 year-old Nita LaGarde in this AP Photo, for example, bound to a wheelchair. How could she get out on her own? Does she even have close family that can help her? Or this sick and elderly lady. She’s dependent on the mercy of others too.

The stories of these peoples lives are probably tragic and heart wrenching. Their lives may be filled with overwhelming loneliness and despair but now look where they are….nothing. There entire lives' possessions are gone. And all the talking heads have to say is blame them for staying behind. What cold hearted airbags! Perhaps we should send the Bill O-reilys of the world to live in what is left of the Big Easy.

New Orleans? What New Orleans?

Rehnquist Dies. New Orleans no longer exists. Forget the tragedy in NOLA. Who cares now, right? The media has just turned off their generators in NOLA, packed their SAT trucks and turned around headed for D.C.

The Vacationer-In-Chief was just handed another "Get Out of Jail Free" card.