Friday, July 01, 2005

The Time is Now

The United Church of Christ is now positioned to make a worldwide statement. They have everyone’s attention right here in Atlanta. They have the potential to set ripples through our society, to set our country on the path to full acceptance of same-gendered relationships. There are many signs that the time is now to accept this resolution.

The AJC published an interview with the Rev. Robert Chase, executive director of communications for the United Church of Christ. When asked about the TV ad campaign he had this to say:

The campaign has been tremendously successful for our church. Worship attendance is up, and giving is up. And it's been effective in the pride of membership. Since December, people have been saying "You're the church with the commercial" or "You're the church of extravagant welcome." People are aware of us now, and profile with society at large has been significantly increased.

How incredible is that? The UCC “goes out on a limb”, They opened their hearts, their minds and their doors (hmmmm….sounds like the ad campaign from UMC). Instead of people turning away, people have flocked to the church. The UCC is growing not by telling people they aren’t welcome but by showing them that they can be a whole person in God. Wow! What a concept! A church that actually accepts all of God’s creation.

I remember the controversy surrounding the commercial when it first aired. Probably the only reason I remember it was because some TV stations refused to air it. Their refusal was the best advertisement for the church. My partner, Jeffrey and I watched the ad on the web. I felt chill bumps. I couldn’t believe that a church was actually making such a bold and radical statement. (hmmmm….weren’t Jesus’ teachings radical for his time?)

I hope they vote for to accept resolution. People have responded to the ad campaign. The energy and excitement is present. The United Church of Christ must pass this resolution. The time is now.

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