Wednesday, June 29, 2005

United Church of Christ and Same-Sex Unions

{NOTE: July 4, 2005, After reading this enty, please move to the beginning of my blog to read more.}

Very soon we could have the first mainstream Christian denomination church, the United Church of Christ, to endorse the recognition of same-sex marriages.

This from news in Atlanta:
The Rev. John H. Thomas said Tuesday that the church’s General Synod "should affirm the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender persons to have their covenanted relationships recognized by the state as marriages equal in name, privileges and responsibilities to married heterosexual couples."

Perhaps it will become increasingly difficult to pass a Constitutional Amendment on marriage if a mainstream church is supporting it. What’s really exciting about this is that the head of the denomination is making a public statement of support.


Anonymous said...

That's the UCC :)

First church to ordain an openly gay man, lesbian, woman, african american...Ah yes, the UCC. Thanks for covering it!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for a church that can see the issue clearly. I used to be on the other side but because of opening my eyes and learning I have changed my view. Thanks God for John Thomas and his openesss to speak his mind.

Anonymous said...

Thanks UCC. I'm proud to be a member.
God is still speaking here. No matter how difficult the situation the prophet's voice is listened to.